Hey guys, I took the first batch of data I've received from my "high-profile Debian user" survey, and wml-ized it. Just mkdir webwml/english/users, then dump all these files in there, then add "users" to SUBS in the webwml/english/Makefile.
I plan to collect a lot more than this, too. But having it up on a web page will make it easier for people to see examples of how to write the summary paragraph.
# This Makefile should need no changes from webwml/english/users/Makefile # Please send a message to debian-www if you need to modify anything # so the problem can be fixed. WMLBASE=.. CUR_DIR=users include $(WMLBASE)/Make.lang index.$(LANGUAGE).html: index.wml $(TEMPLDIR)/template.wml \ $(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/users/index.include
$(WML1_IGNORE:*#) $(WML1_IGNORE=#use) $(WML1_IGNORE:-#) wml::sys::compat1 <define-tag userdetail whitespace=delete endtag=required> <A name="%0"/> <H3><if %2 <A href="%2">%1</A> %1 ></H3> %body </define-tag>
#use wml::debian::template title="Who's using Debian?" BARETITLE=true #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/users/index.include" <p>Included here are descriptions of major organizations which have deployed Debian. The information was given by the listed organization. If you would like to be included in this list, please send mail to the <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Debian Press Team</a>.</p> <p> <h2>Educational Institutions</h2> <ul> <li><a href="#MIT">Massachusets Institute of Technology, Artificial Intelligence Lab</a></li> <li><a href="#MerloStation">Merlo Station Natural Resources Science and Technology High School, Beaverton, Oregon</a></li> </ul> </p> <p> <h2>Nonprofit Organizations</h2> <ul> <li><a href="#bayour.com">Bayour.com</a></li> </ul> </p> <p> <h2>Commercial</h2> <ul> <li><a href="#hardware.no">Hardware.no</a></li> </ul> </p> <p> <h2>Government Organizations</h2> <ul> <li><a href="#IMAPMC">IMA / PMC: City Hall of Campinas city, Sao Paulo, Brazil</a></li> </ul> </p> <userdetail "MIT" "Massachusets Institute of Technology, Artificial Intelligence Lab" "http://www.ai.mit.edu"> <p> In the MIT AI lab the "Officially Supported" flavor of GNU/Linux is Debian. There are approximately 100 user workstations running Debian, as well as a small but growing OpenMosix Cluster serving compute cycles (<a href="http://www.ai.mit.edu/sysadmin/cluster.html">http://www.ai.mit.edu/sysadmin/cluster.html</a>). </p> <p> The switch to Debian was made official in September 2001. The largest reason being the ease of package management, which users love (users here get that kind of freedom) and also allows the sysadmins to semi-automate security updates (we like to check the updates on a test system before forcing them on the users, but do date there's been no problems). </p> </userdetail> <userdetail "bayour.com" "Bayour.com" "http://bayour.com"> <p> I'm using Debian GNU/Linux on one i386 user server (doing IMAP, POP, Shell services etc). To this comes two Debian GNU/Linux SPARC servers hosting the LDAP, Kerberos and DNSSEC services for my network. </p> <p> On the Intel, the users authenticate/authorize against the LDAP/Kerberos setup (no users in traditional /etc/{passwd,shadow} etc). Using AFS (OpenAFS) for distributed storage of webdirectories, homedirectories etc guaranties availability and security of file services. </p> <p> Users can now (if need be) have access to their homedirectory at home securely through this encrypted network filesystem. </p> </userdetail> <userdetail "MerloStation" "Merlo Station Natural Resources Science and Technology High School, Beaverton, Oregon"> <p> At this public school, Debian is used on a small number of workstations and a couple servers serving the Debian boxes for home directories, DNS, etc. Debian is used by the students primarily for programming and computer graphics classes, extensive use of The GIMP, blender, emacs and GCC. I switched the Linux boxes from Red Hat for security and simplicity, RPM is a major problem to deal with and allowing anybody with access to the keyboard to reboot and get root on a standard install was not desirable. Debian gave the school what it needed most in the simplest form possible for the student-run network. MSNRSTHS is a public magnet school in the Beaverton School District. </p> </userdetail> <userdetail "IMAPMC" "City Hall of Campinas city, Sao Paulo, Brazil"> <p> We use Debian in all Linux servers (there are also Solaris and AIX servers). Debian takes care of email, Web, DNS and light database services. Mission critical applications for the city management run on Debian servers. </p> </userdetail> <userdetail "hardware.no" "Hardware.no" "http://www.hardware.no"> <p> We run about eight servers, all running Debian, serving one of the largest online tech news sites in Norway. Debian provides good and timely security updates and its developers are usually quite responsive to bug reports and such. We'll be continuing running Debian. </p> </userdetail>