On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 12:08:59PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Denis Barbier wrote:
> > There is a consensus that your version is much better (and could certainly
> > benefit to other pages as well), so please commit it, and we will try later
> > to reuse existing code.
> Ok.  Will do.  I'll rename the identifiers first so a conversion to
> ::toc at a later date will work without much changes in the .wml files.

Very nice.  Here is a patch against faq.inc, please check that there is no
feature loss on your side.
If it's okay, we could then put changes into wml::debian::toc in order to
get rid of faq.inc.

Index: faq.inc
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/security/faq.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -u -r1.1 faq.inc
--- faq.inc     27 Aug 2002 10:56:27 -0000      1.1
+++ faq.inc     27 Aug 2002 13:37:43 -0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+#use wml::debian::toc
 <define-tag small_Q whitespace=delete>
@@ -27,70 +29,14 @@
-  $item_count = 0;
-<define-tag toc-add-entry endtag=required>
-<preserve name>
-<set-var %attributes>
-<if <not <get-var name>>
-  <set-var name="<:=++$item_count:>">
-<p><em><a name="<get-var name>"><small_Q>: %body</a></em></p>
-<restore name>
+<define-tag toc-title-formatting endtag="required">
+<p><em><small_Q>: %body</em></p>
 <define-tag maketoc>
-  $numid = 0;
-  if (open (F, $WML_SRC_FILENAME)) {
-    $state = 0;
-    while (<F>) {
-      if ($state == 0 && m,[<]toc-add-entry(.*),) {
-        $state = 1;
-        if (m,[<]toc-add-entry[>](.*)[<]/toc-add-entry[>],) {
-         $id = ++$numid;
-         $topic = $1;
-         $state = 2;
-        } elsif 
(m,[<]toc-add-entry\s+name="?([^">]*)"?[>](.*)[<]/toc-add-entry[>],) {
-         $id = $1;
-         $topic = $2;
-         $state = 2;
-        } elsif (m,[<]toc-add-entry[>](.*),) {
-         $id = ++$numid;
-         $topic = $1;
-         $state = 1;
-        } elsif (m,[<]toc-add-entry\s+name="?([^">]*)"?[>](.*),) {
-         $id = $1;
-         $topic = $2;
-         $state = 1;
-       } else {
-       }
-      } elsif ($state == 1) {
-        if (m,\s*(.*)[<]/toc-add-entry[>],) {
-         $topic .= " " . $1;
-         $state = 2;
-        } elsif (m,\s*(.*),) {
-         $topic .= " " . $1;
-       }
-      } # else just skip it
-      if ($state == 2) {
-        printf "<li> <a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>\n", $id, $topic;
-       $state = 0;
-      }
-    }
-    close (F);
-  }

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