* Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-05-06 16:36]:
> On Mon, May 06, 2002 at 12:47:49AM -0700, Debian WWW CVS wrote:
>> Changes by:  alfie   02/05/06 00:47:49
>> Log message:
>>      Mostly uppercased after : and added german translations.
> You did this kinda stuff:
>   The updated version of ntop (1.2a7-10) that was released on August 5
>  -was found to still be insecure: it was still exploitable using buffer
>  +was found to still be insecure: It was still exploitable using buffer
>   overflows.
> I don't believe this is better. I've asked around a little bit and it seems
> that the right thing to do would be to use a dash, or "as" etc, or rephrase
> it some other way.

 I am happy with either but personally think that after a : a new
sentence starts and so it should also be in english gramtically correct
to upercase it.  If you like to change it back feel free to do so and/or
change it to a dash -- at least at the places where that would fit. Not
in all the things I uppercased the word after the : it would be
replaceable by a -- (&mdash;?).

 If you want me to not change (correct) it that's nice with me, though
it would be false ,)

 Have fun,
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im Usenet ungemein, man kann sich dann nämlich auf die Inhalte der
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