On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 07:19:55PM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
> >  I'd like to translate those files - but I'm not fully sure if this
> > should be done directly with the .wml files.  It looks like you
> > generated the files from some sgml or so - maybe it's better to
> > translate this and put it even in the cvs and let it generate on the
> > server?  I'm not fully sure if that can be easily done though....
> Well, the original was indeed in sgml. I manually made changes to the
> generated html to make it wml, because I thought that would be
> required to go on the website.

You should have asked first... the golden rule of debian-www :)

> I don't have any objection to putting it in cvs, but OTOH I don't
> expect it to be updated very often. You mean if it goes in cvs as sgml
> it can be auto converted to wml?

Not to WML, but to HTML.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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