As a big fan of the Debian distribution, I want others to be able to
easily find all the latest packages listed on your site. Unfortunately,
this "Packages Search Page"...
...has a very poor layout. You'll notice that at the top of the page is
a bar with "About", "News", "Distribution", "Support", "Development",
and "Search". I'd guess that many people unfamiliar with your site
will just press this "Search" link and try to find packages with this...
http://search.debian.org/ (ugh!)
You'd be surprised how many web surfers will not bother scrolling down
the packages page to find the "Search Package Directories" box. I find
this search box to be very useful, and if this page...
...is the main "Packages Search Page", then I believe that the actual
search box should have prominence over the other information on this page.
joe cancilla
Joe Cancilla, Content Developer
487 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107-1234
Voice: 415.512.7784 x360
Fax: 415.365-2870