On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Josip Rodin wrote: > http://joy.gkvk.hr/newfront/
I never really liked the /devel layout, so I can't say I dig this: 1. It's messy; different sized (width, height) boxes, with different amount of text. 2. It's bad coding; it is using <table> for layout, the headings (like "What is Debian") is not a <h> tag, which disables Opera's heading-navigation (W/S). 3. There's too many different colours (white on blue on red, yellow on black on light-blue, black on white on light-blue, etc.) 4. There's no good reading order (should I go top-down or left-right)? 5. It's multi-column. I size my browser to fit as much text on a line as I can read. I really, *really*, REALLY hate it when pages try to force their own column widths on me. I can take a navbar on either side with text that re-flows (like the old one), but I don't like this approach. But it's good that you throw some ideas around. -- \\// peter - [EMAIL PROTECTED]