On Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 07:18:11AM +0100, Michael Bramer wrote:
> I have some questions about packages.debian.org. 
> 1.) who is the webmaster of packages.debian.org?
>     (btw: [EMAIL PROTECTED] don't work...)

Why should it work? The web pages say quite clearly where to find contact
information, and you seem to have managed to find it, too :)

> 2.) I put a _test_ page of packages.debian.org with support of
>     translated package description on 
>       http://ddtp.debian.org/packages.debian.org
>     can we add something like that on packages.debian.org?
>     (On the real page we shouldn't add a own form per language. We
>     should add a new 'Language' tag on the form. For this we must change
>     the cgi and add a new option 'lang=XX_XX', but I don't know phyton.)

It can be done... though I'd prefer the automatic way, using content
negotiation, like Tomohiro suggested.

> 3.) packages.debian.org use now static web pages for all the packages. 
>     I know the advantages of static pages, but is this usefull for
>     _this_ pages. 
>     IMHO packages.debian.org is not mirrored (like www.debian.org) and
>     if we add some languages to packages.debian.org we need more disk
>     space. 
>     Maybe a CGI is better. Comments?

Can you calculate or at least estimate how much CPU and RAM would it take to
run it through a CGI (or PHP or whatever)?

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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