Hi there! I stumbled again about a thing that buged me sometime back but I forgot to mention:
The script that does the english/devel/people.names does take the surename of the developer as <a name=""> tag. Wouldn't it be much better to use the login of the person, for several reasons? The login is known to be unique - the surname must not. We might be happy to not have been hitten by that yet but it might happen. I can't estimate what the impact by this change might be. But personally I could sleep better with knowing that the page won't produce any problems in the future than rather not doing it because we fear of some flaming to that respect. Just a tought, Alfie -- Er: "Ich glaub, SuSE will mich verarschen..." Ich: "Warum nimmst auch SuSE?" Er: "... weil die CDs 'rumg'legen sind." -- 2001-03-13