On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 08:35:29PM -0500, John Dalbec wrote:
> Package: www.debian.org
> Version: 20011124
> Severity: normal
> Mozilla defaults to en-us as the only language for content negotiation.  In 
> the
> absence of this page, I was getting the Indonesian version instead!  I've 
> added
> 'en' to my language settings as a workaround.
I consider this a bug against everyone who distributes browsers that lead
users to make the wrong decision about what language preference to send.

You may find the following link useful to understand why I feel that way:
http://www.debian.org/intro/cn. Even better is to read the http spec. :)

Although it shouldn't need to be done, the debian web site has resorted
to creating links from en-us and en-gb to the en version of pages.
It appears that the weekly news section does not create such links.
This will be looked into.

James (Jay) Treacy

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