Package: Tags: patch If there are errors after wml has run(ie, doesn't exist, or perl can't fine Perl/Local/, then the $(WMLOUTFILE) is still created, when it shouldn't be.
The following patch fixes this. Index: Makefile.common =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/Makefile.common,v retrieving revision 1.49 diff -u -r1.49 Makefile.common --- Makefile.common 2001/10/31 16:37:07 1.49 +++ Makefile.common 2001/11/17 20:32:46 @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ WMLOUTFILE = $(@F) WMLPROLOG := WMLEPILOG := -WML = wml $(WMLOPTIONS) -o UNDEFu$(LANGUAGECAP):$(WMLOUTFILE)@g+w $(WMLPROLOG) $(WMLEPILOG) +WML = wml $(WMLOPTIONS) -o UNDEFu$(LANGUAGECAP):$(WMLOUTFILE)[EMAIL PROTECTED] $(WMLPROLOG) $(WMLEPILOG) WMLFILES = $(wildcard *.wml) ifndef SUBLANG @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ ifneq "$(findstring /international/,$(CURDIR)/)" "" $(WMLBASE)/../ $(CURDIR)/$(<F) $(LANGUAGE) endif + mv $(WMLOUTFILE).new $(WMLOUTFILE) endif ifndef NOGENERICINSTDEP ----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK---- Version: 3.12 GCS d- s: a-- c+++ UL++++ P+ L++++ !E W+ M o+ K- W--- !O M- !V PS-- PE++ Y+ PGP++ t* 5++ X+ tv b+ D++ G e h*! !r z? -----END GEEK CODE BLOCK----- ----BEGIN PGP INFO---- Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Finger Print | KeyID 67 01 42 93 CA 37 FB 1E 63 C9 80 1D 08 CF 84 0A | DE656B05 PGP AD46 C888 F587 F8A3 A6DA 3261 8A2C 7DC2 8BD4 A489 | 8BD4A489 GPG -----END PGP INFO-----