I added  debian-win32 to the ports part of the configuration file, It
should appear on the ports page some time tomorrow when the cron job
will update the page.

Cesar Mendoza
"First they tell you, you're wrong and they can prove it; 
then they tell you, you're right but it isn't important; 
then they tell you, it's important but they knew it all along."
 --Charles Kettering

On Fri, Nov 09, 2001 at 09:31:32PM +0100, Robert Millan wrote:
> Hello,
> Looks like the debian-win32 mailing list has been removed from the
> archives,
> it doesn't appear in http://lists.debian.org/ports.html. Could you fix
> this?
> The list, however, is working fine at the moment.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------------
> Robert Millan          Debian GNU/Hurd user
> zeratul2 wanadoo es    http://getyouriso.dyndns.org/
> --------------------------------------------------
> GPG ID C8D6942C
> 237F 8688 C2E5 BC64 E152  97B4 FB28 D41B C8D6 942C
> --------------------------------------------------
> Some words for my friends Carnivore and Echelon
> --------------------------------------------------
> FBI CIA NSA Assault Bomb Terrorism Jihad
> Allah Ossama Bin Laden Saddam Hussein
> Handgun Assault Plane Crash Pentagon
> World Trade Center Whitehouse President Bush
> Putin Twin Towers Air Force One USA America
> DeCCS RIAA BSA piracy illegal drugs heroin
> Big Brother is watching you defcon nuclear
> holocaust world war arabian afghanistan
> cryptography PGP GPG crack RSA algorithm
> Chechnya OMON Spetsnaz T-72 Merkava M1A1 Abrams
> Chieftain Challenger Turret Apache Missiles Skinheads
> troopers Kazakhstan Muhhamed Atta
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Put this in your signature and join us in confusing the Big Brother
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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