On Sat, Nov 10, 2001 at 12:48:15PM +0200, Andreas Wüst wrote:
> >> And I don't know if this wouldn't interfere with debian-www policy and
> >> things...
> >> 
> > Within reason, the port pages are yours to do with as you please. Just
> > find someone to maintain them and have fun!
> Ahh, ok! But who is in charge of them exactly? Are you the ones who upload the
> final pages (cvs?), or what's the exact way (or does there exist an faq for
> this topic)? Do we have to provide content in which format? Is there something
> like a staging server?
There are a few webmasters who take care of the overall structure of
maintaining the web site and handle access to CVS, but there are a
number of people who contribute content. Once someone has CVS access
they can upload web pages. The format is html (just the stuff between
<body> and </body>) although perl can be added to do fancy things(*).
Details can be found at
http://www.debian.org/devel/website/ .

The powerpc port pages are currently unmaintained.

Just so you understand why it is done this way: Debian is a big project
and there is no way someone (especially volunteers) can know what is
going on in every corner.  Thus, it is best if someone who is familiar
with a given area maintain the pages associated with it.

Hope this helps. BTW, if this thread continues, it would probably
help to open it up to debian-powerpc.

(*) The pages use wml, which is very powerful and perl is just one part
of it. This is what we use to automatically have the web pages add the
latest news items to the main page, among other things.

James (Jay) Treacy

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