On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:01:59 +0200
Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 26, 2001, Mart van de Wege wrote:
> > I have no time to check the BTS, but should this be the same bug that
> > sends my galeon into a crash everytime? It gets up perfectly fine, I
> pick
> > a site out of my bookmarks and boom!
> > It is actually pretty unpredictable except for a few sites that blow
> up
> > every time (slashdot). Since I updated today too, could this be the
> same?
>  Uhm - is it just me, or what has this mozilla problems to do with the
> webpages?  Mart, I don't find the references here on the list, so I
> guess they came from some differnt place, please take the discussion
> back there, thanks :)
>                     |   \_____/                   \__,~ \>

I inadvertently took the wrong adress out of my adressbook :( Sylpheed is
good, but still requires manual editing of the adress when replying to a
list. Time to learn Mutt I guess.
I was wondering where the had gone, but I have been too busy lately to
check more rigourously. I work in financials, in securities to be more
exact, and we were swamped with work even before the disasters, so I am a
little stressed and not as accurate as I usually am.
Worse, my progress on the dutch translation has stalled due to that as
well :( I hate it when things like this happen, but I'll get round to
doing things soon.


Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Requiescant in pace.

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