On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 06:04:30PM +1000, Anand Kumria wrote: > > Can we move http://www.debian.org/events/materials/posters/ to ~akumria > > or something? > > It has been at http://people.debian.org/~akumria/posters/ ever since I made > it available. If you hadn't (so rudely) told of the existence of this URL > I would never have known.
Uh, don't get offended already... I thought you _knew_ that Javier (jfs) had added those file to www.d.o. > > These posters are as uninteresting to the general public as 1997 > > security advisories, but the latter aren't >40 MB... > > Oh, it is nice to know that my sister's time and effort are appreciated. > > I'm sure she'll be jumping at the chance to again have her efforts put down. > > Let me know when the tools on Linux exist to do proper CYMK work and then > we can start talking about file sizes. Look, I have nothing against your/her work or the file size. My beef is with its placement on our web site. It seems you have nothing to do with this. Forget it. -- 2. That which causes joy or happiness.