28/08/2001 10:36:31, Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

>> But I've found that in the contact.en.wml file, the same URL is
>> written differently : once as
>> '<a href="$(HOME)/MailingLists/subscribe#debian-user">', and further
>> on : '<a href="MailingLists/subscribe#int">'
>> Even if I think both may work, I'd prefer all these URLs be treated
>> the same way.
>What exactly is the problem here? I don't understand.


(was just on holidays, so i did receive your mail only today)

What I mean is that in the WML source code, there are two different ways 
used in writing URL's, once you find a file prefixed with a "$(HOME)/", 
and in another place, without, but it is obviously the same file.

My problem is : WHY are there two different ways writing an URL ? Is 
there a good reason for it, or is it an error ?



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