What is the way to properly install X (to prepare for KDE) on a Woody system 

(I have just done an upgrade to W from a basic (no X) potato.)

On the Woody page it says:
"Expected major upgrades, by the time woody releases, include . . . XFree86 4.0"
Does that mean woody has _only_ X4, or both X3 & X4?

Should I use tasksel, or apt-get?
If apt-get, what command would I use to find out what package name to 
use to apt-get X?

I've seen notes on debian-x list about problems with the current X packages:
new XFree86 packages may be stalled temporarily
ALERT: XFree86 4.1.0-3 maintainer scripts hosed; please wait for 4.1.0-4

Also, IIRC, on the KDE list it was mentioned that the tasksel, or task packages,
(like the X task?) were being currently redone in woody, and may not work 
properly right now.  Is that correct?  
(And if so, shouldn't that info be on the woody page:
http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/ ?)

Subject: ALERT: XFree86 4.1.0-3 maintainer scripts hosed; please wait for 
From: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 22:12:40 -0500

Folks might want to wait for 4.1.0-4.  I'm preparing it now.

Several bugs have already been filed; no one needs to add to them.  The
problem is understood, and the fix has been written and tested.

If you already have 4.1.0-3 installed successfully, there is nothing to
worry about.

If I do _not_ want to wait for it to move from unstable to testing,
what do I do?
Can I just dl the 4.1.0-4 deb and force it to install?

Or, would I be better off getting the 4.1.0-3 instaalled?
If so, how would I do that?

Is the tasksel program working for install of the complete X system?

Does Woody have only X 4, or also X 3 packages?

Wouldn't it be a great idea to put some notes about the status
of the highly important packages (like X) on the Woody install page:
so that people wanting to try woody wouldn't have to search through
the mail lists for important info like this?

If so, who should that be pointed out to: the package developer,
or the person maintaining the woody web page?

Thanks!  :)

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