My name is Jeff Bledsoe with I would like to contact someone in your organization concerning a partnership opportunity between our companies. has gone to great lengths to provide a clean search engine by removing objectionable content such as pornography and hate material, items which can easily be found on most search engines.
I propose implementing our search in with your existing results. It is very simple. Our program is designed so that every click-through generates a revenue stream for your company. Giving your users clean, relevant additional sites to help them find what they are looking for. All that you would need to do is simply plug in the code. We understand that your developers’ time is valuable; this is why we have made implementation so simple. We have a couple of ways to send you the ah-ha code, either XML or HTML, both are simple and time effective.
HTML: XML: The revenue you will receive
will be based on the number of click-throughs (CT) we obtain from searches
generated from your website. You
will receive a percentage of each click-through. Average
Daily CT
Revenue Share % Less than 5,000
40% 5,000-10,000
45% 10,000-25,000
50% 25,000-50,000
55% Greater than 50,000
Getting started is simple. We have two ways of adding our search to your site: XML and HTML. If your programmers are familiar with XML let me know and I'll send you the code. Otherwise, we can go with an HTML feed. To get an HTML feed, I will need you to send me a template of your site. We will use the template to create a search page, which will preserve the look and feel of your site. Or… Why don’t you let us become your default
advertiser through the use of TopLinks?
TopLinks is a means of filling up your empty advertising space with
quality advertisers. By using our
keyword specific advertisers, the advertisements can be customized to the
demographics of your website. Thus allowing you to maximize the potential
revenue of the otherwise empty advertising space on your website. When one of your visitors clicks on a
TopLinks ad, a new window will
open. This way the visitor isn't
actually leaving your site. The payout will be based on a 50%
revenue share per click-through.
Click on the link
provided below, then select one of the sample terms to see examples of what
TopLink advertisements look like. If you have any questions, let me know.
Thanks, Jeff
Bledsoe Business
Development Distribution 360 West 4800
North Provo, Utah 84604
Title: Hello,