Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim wrote:
> Josip Rodin wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 10:51:53AM +0700, Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim wrote:
> > > I am interested to help translating the Debian Webpages
> > > into Indonesian starting January 2002.
> > >
> > > Would you please inform me how to proceed?
> > 
> > Well, simply contact us in January 2002? :)
> Sure, but I believe that 
> http://debianx.vlsm.org/devel/website/translating
> does not sound too straight forward. I might need a couple 
> of months to understand on how the system works.

Well, that's ok.  Take your time, it's always better to use more
time but provide better work.

The page should be straight forward, if not, tell us what is
missing - and ask questions, detailed questions, not "how does
it work" but "how does xyz work" (xyz != "it", for the pedants...)



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