Marko Jung wrote:
> Hi,
> after two years just using debian, I decided to join the project
> as an active member. Before I start maintaning some packages
> or something else, I would like to do some kind of user-support
> in form of building a new site about debian on laptops.
> If Sean Perry doesn't mind, I would like to help him with this
> website. In my opinion it's to less information about linux on
> the road.
> So please send me your suggestions about my idea.

Please read to find out how
to work on the Debian web pages, send us diffs and new files for
the /ports/laptop/ directory, send them to one of the active
workers (joy, jt, peterk, me) or dump them to the debian-www
list so we can include them.

Thanks in advance for your contribution,


Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it.  -- Donald E. Knuth

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