Tomohiro KUBOTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [encoding story zapped]
> When the corresponding Japanese wml page has a Japanese title
> (in #use wml::debian::template title="xxxx" line) which includes
> a Japanese character which include include 0x22 (DOUBLE QUOTE)
> in its pair of bytes, a problem occurs.  It seems that wml
> parser confuses the accidental 0x22 as a quote character.
> [...]
> Does anyone have any idea to solve this problem?

Ran into the same problem with my perl CGI scripts, switched to EUC-JP
and all was well again (apart from the fact that I had to cater to NT
hosts :-(  Imagine the hoops you have to jump when writing your script
in EUC-JP, output HTML in iso-2022-jp and update Shi?t_JIS databases)

Switching to EUC-JP seems a less intrusive solution/work-around then
fixing WML as was suggested earlier.  You could also try switching to
Unicode (if only emacs supported that!).  Eh, assuming WML parses that
okay, of course.
Olaf Meeuwissen       Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

     Free Software: `No walls, no windows!  No fences, no gates!'

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