El Mar 22 May 2001 15:45, peter karlsson escribió: > Debian WWW CVS: > > Modified Makefile so card.* are only valid for english websites since > > two translaters blindly copied the english Makefile and broke the > > build. *sigh*
Mmmm...I think I may be one of them...but you were warned. I asked if I could copy *blindly* english Makefiles...and I certainly did it (the top level Makefile and nineteen more). > Makefiles should be language-independent, so they more easily can be copied > from the English directory (if you use copypage.pl, the Makefile is copied > automatically for you). Yes, but changes in english Makefiles aren't automatically propagated to the whole structure...maybe a hackish script "upd-makef.sh", like #!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Need a Makefile to copy." exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$1" ] then echo "$1 doesn't exist." exit 1 fi # We obtain the directory. DIR=`dirname "$1"` # Strip english/ from the name. DIR=`echo $DIR | sed 's#^\(./\)\?english\(/\)\?##'` # Separate dirs from any other thing. for STUFF in `ls` do # We want all the dirs but english/ and CVS/. if [ -d "$STUFF" ] && [ ! "$STUFF" = "english" ] && [ ! "$STUFF" = "CVS" ] then LIST="$LIST$STUFF " fi done # Variable CHANGES will carry all the Makefiles involved (for now, only the english Makefile). CHANGES="$1 " # Check if the directory where Makefile is taken from exists in the rest of dirs. for STUFF in $LIST do if [ -d "$STUFF/$DIR" ] then # We copy the english Makefile over the old one in $STUFF$DIR. cp english/$DIR/Makefile $STUFF/$DIR CHANGES="$CHANGES$STUFF/$DIR/Makefile " fi done cvs commit $CHANGES It propagates a new Makefile in all the tree, but only when the right dir exists (e.g., it doesn't try to copy english/devel/wnpp/Makefile in arabic since arabic/devel/wnpp/ doesn't exist.) Do you like? We can put it in webwml/...it isn't rock-solid, but I've tested just now and I think it works properly. > Besides, almost all files say "This file should need no changes [...]" at > the top... :-) That line is the main reason of my changes. Best regards, Ender. -- Why is a cow? Mu. (Ommmmmmmmmm) -- Responsable de News - Newsmanager Servicios de red - Network services Centro de Comunicaciones CSIC/RedIRIS Spanish Academic Network for Research and Development Madrid (Spain) Tlf 91.585.49.05