El Sáb 19 May 2001 12:00, Josip Rodin escribió: > On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 02:51:32PM -0700, Debian WWW CVS wrote: > > CVSROOT: /cvs/webwml > > Module name: webwml > > Changes by: dmartinez 01/05/18 14:51:32 > > > > Modified files: > > spanish/MailingLists: subscribe.wml > > > > Log message: > > Last update...I haven't enough energy to translate the next versions of > > this file. > > I'm sorry to inform you that the last version of the file will require you > to split out all the individual descriptions into smaller files in desc/ > directory. You probably shouldn't bother updating it incrementally but use > some script to move the data from old wml to data files, and then recheck > each entry with the original version. <sigh>
<Sigh> Yes, I've seen it, that update was only the last before changing completely the format of subscribe...I uploaded it because it was easy. No new news from the "automatic list update" discussion and i18n? Best regards, Ender. -- Why is a cow? Mu. (Ommmmmmmmmm) -- Responsable de News - Newsmanager Servicios de red - Network services Centro de Comunicaciones CSIC/RedIRIS Spanish Academic Network for Research and Development Madrid (Spain) Tlf 91.585.49.05