On Sun, May 13, 2001 at 10:10:34PM -0700, Debian WWW CVS wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs/webwml
> Module name:  webwml
> Changes by:   peterk  01/05/14 07:10:34
> Modified files:
>       english/template/debian: events_common.wml 
> Log message:
> Translations for "more info" (copied from security template)

We should not have duplicate tags.

AFAIR there was some confusion with one of those <moreinfo> tags, once it
said "For more info:" and then it said "More info:". So right now the tag
might not be correct for all the translations if that's true.

If necessary, the tag can be split out into a separate file or even better
in common_translation template (or what's it called).

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