On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 05:32:02PM -0700, Ryan White wrote:
> All the packages search results have ftp:// in front of the href. This is a
> problem when going to http.us.
I don't see the problem. Just tried the URL below and it works. I
downloaded the file using the http.us.debian.org link. As long as all
the http.us sites (it uses a dns round robin) are up to date, there
should be no problem.

> http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/download.pl?file=dists%2Fpotato%2Fmain%2F
> binary-i386%2Fdevel%2Flibmm10_1.0.11-1.deb&md5sum=c3
> It has been this way for about 3 months now. I kept hoping that someone
> would fix it. It would REALLY appreciate it if you can fix this so I can
> paste the http address for wget!
Once we understand what the problem is, it will be fixed.

As an aside, do any of the other web people mind if I switch the links
to use http? Only two of the sites would need to be removed in this
case: ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu and ftpfreesoftware.com.

James (Jay) Treacy

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