On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 07:13:28PM +0100, Jaime E . Villate wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 12:51:07AM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
> > Ok, it has updated today. IIRC, the previous timestamp was Apr 16 16:46, so 
> > I
> > assume there is a crontab that updates the pages every 2 days.
> Carlos has received a reply already, but I'll answer too, to make sure I
> understand (I'm new to this, so please correct me if I'm wrong).
> The pages are updated every six hours. But if the pages you committed had
> errors, the wml process will not generate the new pages (that's why you didn't
> see any changes in the pages you committed, even six hours after you did it).
While it is true that an error in a page will keep it from being updated,
that was not the problem in this case. The Debian pages use a number of
template files, which are nested (a includes b which includes c). In order
to make sure pages are updated properly the Makefiles are told what files
a particular file depends on. A new file was recently added and the
dependency information was not updated. Thus, when Carlos updated the
file, the page (html)  wasn't rebuilt.

> This means you should make sure the pages you commit can be correctly
> processed by wml, before you commit them. To check them, you should install
> the most recent version of wml (2.0.6), then use "make" and see that the html
> pages are created and give the result you expected; you can then use "make
> clean" (never commit any of the html pages generated with make!).
Everyone should definitely check pages before committing them.

James (Jay) Treacy

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