Hello. I'm seeing that all of us (read translators) are using a 
Makefile in 
distrib/ quite different from the english/distrib/ one. The last commit to 
all Makefiles was done by treacy on Fri Aug 25 04:23:18 2000 UTC with 
comment: "abstract some of the version information to make releases easier". 
All the subsecuent commits were done by joy, and no Makefile apart from the 
english one was touched. In fact, our Makefiles has this first line:

# This Makefile should need no changes from webwml/english/2.0/Makefile

when the one from english/ has 

# This Makefile should need no changes from webwml/english/distrib/Makefile

        This is an example that our Makefiles are somewhat outdated.

        I know that this comment may be stupid, but I want to know definitely 
Makefile's from english/ are mandatory (I think yes, reading the first lines 
in every Makefile), if I must overwrite my Makefile if I see changes in 
english Makefiles, and also if those tasks are supposed to be done by 
Makefile writers.

        Be well,

 Why is a cow? Mu. (Ommmmmmmmmm)
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