I'm new to debian-www, so please forgive me if I'm asking something trivial.
I've downloaded a copy of CVSROOT/passwd using
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/webwml and I can see that Javier has
given me access:
     villate:(encrypted password):treacy

and I've checked that the encrypted password is OK. However, I cannot login as

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/webwml login    
(Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
CVS password: 
Fatal error, aborting.
villate: no such user

I have also tried using :ext: and it doesn't work either

export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -d :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/webwml checkout webwml
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password: 
Permission denied, please try again.

What am I doing wrong?


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