El Lun 19 Feb 2001 21:08, Luis Gracia escribió:
> Hi!
> I have been recently surfing the debian web pages, with my browser
> configurated to choose the spanish version. Many of them were some kind
> old, and pointed me to the original english one. I write you to know
> about the translation process in the debian web page, if there is
> someone specially in charge of it, and how can I help with it. I don't
> know if involment in this is time consuming. I use Debian for some years
> now, and it is time to help all of you developing it. Please, tell me
> how can I help...

        Every translation has a team associated. You may find helpful to 
to debian-l10n-spanish@lists.debian.org, the coordination list for Debian 
spanish translation. All the translations and future projects in Debian are 
discussed there. Join us! :-)

        I hope see you soon / Espero verte pronto por allí,

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