In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Josip Rodin writes:
>On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 09:41:57AM +0200, Nils Lohner wrote:
>> At the 0thDC people suggested 'packaging' the debian web site so
>> people could download it and submit patches to it but a better idea
>> may be allowing anonymous cvs read access to the wml to let people
>> file bugs with patches against www (I forget what the virtual web package
>> is called).
>>   That way people can cvs co just the root, the templates dir, and whatever 
>> part they want to patch... I think that makes your webadmin task a lot 
>> easier... people give you patches and you just read, check and apply them...
>> most of the work is done for you.
>It would be useful if you people merely read the web pages about helping
>with Debian web pages :>

  Heh :)  Can you tell me where its linked from, starting from the main 
page?  I'd hazard a guess that it's a few links deep and not many people 
find it...


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