On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 10:23:23AM +0200, peter karlsson wrote:
> James A. Treacy:
> > In the case of this .tex file, people may want to translate it to their own
> > language. We should come up with something to allow this.
> something.en.tex, something.de.tex, etc?
That's what I had in mind (although I didn't say it).
Maybe we could set up a catch-all installer for *.lang.*, where lang
is the current language. It would need to ignore *.lang.html, unless
the install for that was merged with it.

Given the limited need for this type of install, though, I'm still
advocating just using an install:: in the local Makefile when needed
as opposed to modifying Make.dep.generic. I like to keep things simple
whenever possible.

James (Jay) Treacy

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