On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 12:19:12AM +1100, Craig Small wrote:
> Darren O. Benham said:
> > Baring problems from -admin, I'd suggest running it on master.. but don't
> > link it into the web pages...
> No, first we check it does the job, then we worry about that.
> > Here's two thoughts:
> > 
> > 1) Do the indices get created incrementally or are the indices get
> > recreated each run?
> Incremental indices, that's why it does an IMS (If Modified Since) I
> think it looks at other header stuff too to see if it has to reindex
> the page.
> > 2) What are the size of the indices going to be?
> Not sure, I'm running it over my on localhost site as we (type|read)
> Here is some stats:
> It is currently 20 Meg database, that's indexing about 50 Meg of website,
> bit hard to say as it found my /doc/ directory.
> Their website says:
>   What is the maximum size of server(s) UdmSearch can run with?
>   I don't know. I have 40 indexed servers with about 22000 different 
>   documents and 140Mb total size. UdmSearch works fine. Everything is found 
>   in 1-2 seconds. The size of database with all indexes is 130 Mb. People 
>   report that UdmSearch work fine with 600000 indexed URLs. You can check 
>   your SQL server manual for details on maximum database size and how to 
>   make it as fast as possible. 
> I believe the website without lists or bugs is about 490 MB, assuming
> it is a 1:1 usage, we need about 1/2 Gig so we may have a disk 
> space problem. (admins?)

[22:31]:~> df
1 - 0
Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hda1             693687  532056   125799     81%   /
/dev/hda5            1659723 1110031   549692     67%   /debian3
/dev/sdb             17204170 15130003  2074167     88%   /debian2
/dev/sda2            8102402 7330844   351459     95%   /debian
/dev/hdd1             966305  117624   798762     13%   /mnt/backup
/dev/sdc5            6552815 4151112  2068758     67%   /debian2/web
/dev/sdc2            1612840  558596   972316     36%   /mnt/sdc2

Also, it would be nice if we *could* index lists and only conditionally
search them...

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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