
Bruce Perens schrieb am 26. November 1999:

> From: "James A. Treacy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I was referring to the publishing of your message regarding suing Corel.
> > That was originally sent to debian-legal wasn't it?
> Right. I am wondering if I need to be _really_ circumspect in _every_
> discussion, or if I can have a discussion in some places without worrying
> that it will be on the cover of some news outlet.

Well - we _have_ the public archives, so everyone can read them.
I think they are okay - if we want, we can save some of these lists
(debian-devel/debian-private?/debian-*) for public access by using
.htaccess and using the passwords of the developer...

There is no problem making a mailinglist debian-confidential or
something like that :-)

Ciao, Hanno
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
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#"Tue Busse, lass' ab von der Suende, weise von Dir laesterliches Tun,  
# streife ab die Begierden der Welt, meide Weib, Wein und Windows,  
# verachte den Umlaut, denn solches ist wohlgefaelliges Tun und gut."
#       -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Martin Lange) in de.talk.bizarre

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