"Darren O. Benham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I'm still not a Debian maintainer (I've my PGP key signed by a debian
> > maintainer thought), but do you need some help for the web part ?
> > I've been doing web sites for a long time, so I think I can improve the
> > debian web site (that's really important, as it's the first thing people
> > see when looking for Debian stuff).
> We've been looking for help and not getting it.  It's tough to change art
> mid stream because it means (usually) that the entire website must be
> remirrored and it's not a small website when you add the Lists-Archives and
> the bug pages...  What happened with the version you just saw was an
> exmaple.  That page wasn't remirrors so it retained the old hight/width
> tags.

Ah okok. So can I help in doing something ? Where can I find the
document that explains how the mirroring of debian web site works (*hmm*
do you have a document explaining this ? :-)))

What help do you need ?

Have you seen the debian package finder on http://www.spack.org/debian/ ?
I think it is better than the one on debian.org. Really. Is there some
work being done on the debian package finder to improve it, make it
more useful ?
That's really important, www.debian.org must be the main site, not
a secondary site.

Luc Stepniewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://lstep.free.fr/> ICQ# 6104530
Adequat - Securite, Linux
Public key: http://lstep.free.fr/pubkey.txt
Key D93B2D2D fingerprint = 49 00 CC D1 69 03 E2 94  C8 78 ED 3C 75 89 A8 DE 

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