On Sat, Jun 26, 1999 at 12:47:12AM +0200, peter karlsson wrote:
> I was just browsing through the debian-www archives (November 1998), I found
> a proposal about being able to translate just the news titles and dates
> while waiting to translate the text body.
> However, I didn't find a resolution on how to actually do this, but it seems
> in the Perl code like its implemented (I don't know Perl very much, so I
> can't tell from the code what it is).
> Does anyone know more about it? (Or can point to a message describing it)
In looking into the problem with the incorrect dates for the Swedish
version of the DWN, I discovered what I had done to implement this.
All you need to do is to create the file foo.title instead of foo.wml
and the script that creates the index of news items will look in
there for the title and date.

They must be in the same format as used in the .wml files, e.g.
  <define-tag pagetitle>Debian Logo Contest</define-tag>
  <define-tag release_date>04 Feb 1999</define-tag>

This is getting bad. I can remember books I read 25 years ago,
but not something I implemented 8 months ago. At least I
discovered that it was a good hack. It only took 3 lines to
implement. :)

Jay Treacy

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