G'day All, Here are the scripts that I used to make some buttons. I'd like people to test them before we put them onto the web pages. As requested they also have transparent backgrounds.
- Craig -- Craig Small VK2XLZ, PGP: AD 8D D8 63 6E BF C3 C7 47 41 B1 A2 1F 46 EC 90 Eye-Net Consulting http://www.eye-net.com.au/ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> MIEEE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Debian developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Gimp qw( :auto ); use Gimp::Fu; sub debian_button { my ($words, $fontcolor, $bgcolor) = @_; my ($image,$layer,$text,$width); my $height = 18; gimp_palette_set_foreground($fontcolor); gimp_palette_set_background($bgcolor); $image = gimp_image_new(80, $height, RGB); $layer = gimp_layer_new($image, 80, $height, RGBA_IMAGE, "Button", 100, NORMAL_MODE); $text = gimp_text($image, $layer, 9, 3, $words, 0, 0, "15", PIXELS, "*", "Lucida", "bold", "r", "*", "*"); $width = gimp_drawable_width($text); # Resize everything gimp_image_resize($image, ($width + $height), $height, 0, 0); gimp_layer_resize($layer, ($width + $height), $height, 0, 0); gimp_image_add_layer($image, $layer, 0); gimp_selection_all($image); gimp_edit_clear($image, $layer); gimp_rect_select($image, 9, 0, $width, $height, SELECTION_REPLACE, 0, 0); gimp_ellipse_select($image, (9-($height/2)), 0, $height, $height, SELECTION_ADD, 0, 0, 0); gimp_ellipse_select($image, ((9+$width) - ($height/2)), 0, $height, $height, SELECTION_ADD, 0,0,0); gimp_bucket_fill($image, $layer, BG_BUCKET_FILL, NORMAL_MODE, 100, 0, 0, 5, 5); gimp_selection_none($image); gimp_floating_sel_anchor($text); gimp_convert_indexed_palette($image, 0, 0, 8, ""); return $image; } register "debian_button", # fill in name "Create Debian Toolbar button", # a small description "A tutorial script", # a help text "Craig Small", # Your name "(c) SPI Inc", # Your copyright "1998-05-18", # Date "<Toolbox>/Xtns/Perl-Fu/Debian/Toolbar", # menu path "*", # Image types [ [PF_STRING, "words", "words to put in button", "Home"], [PF_COLOR, "fontcolor", "Font color", [255,255,255]] , [PF_COLOR, "bgcolor", "Background color", [0,0,132]] ], \&debian_button; exit main()
#!/bin/sh # This script makes the Debian buttons, it is often a good idea # to have gimp perl up and running so it is a lot faster. # # Uncomment this line to run the server # # gimp --no-interface --no-data --batch '(extension-perl-server 0 0 0)' & # # TRANSLATORS, Edit the stuff in ""s HOME_TEXT="Home" ABOUT_TEXT="About Debian" NEWS_TEXT="News" DISTRIB_TEXT="Distribution" SUPPORT_TEXT="Support" DEVEL_TEXT="Development" SEARCH_TEXT="Search" cwd=`pwd` # Dont' edit below this line ./debbar.pl -words "${HOME_TEXT}" -o ${cwd}/home.gif ./debbar.pl -words "${ABOUT_TEXT}" -o ${cwd}/about.gif ./debbar.pl -words "${NEWS_TEXT}" -o ${cwd}/news.gif ./debbar.pl -words "${DISTRIB_TEXT}" -o ${cwd}/distrib.gif ./debbar.pl -words "${SUPPORT_TEXT}" -o ${cwd}/support.gif ./debbar.pl -words "${DEVEL_TEXT}" -o ${cwd}/devel.gif ./debbar.pl -words "${SEARCH_TEXT}" -o ${cwd}/search.gif