> > >  4. Is  http://www.debian.org/chinese/   (index.??.html) a good place
> > >     to put our Debian Chinese Project Home Page?  If not, what place
> > >     would you suggest?  http://www.debian.org/$(somesubdir)/chinese/ ?
> > >     http://www.debian.org/~$(maintainer)/chinese/ ?  Or elsewhere?
> > If I understand what's going on.. I'd probably do 
> > http://www.d.o/translations/chinese/*  assuming you want this mirrored and
> > translated...
> Yes, but most likely only an English translation of the Debian Chinese
> Project page.  But then, if other language teams are interested,
> feel free to translate it to other languages too.  :-)
> Note that the page is currently under constructions, so it may
> go through quite a few major changes though.
> Yes, something like http://www.d.o/translations/chinese/ would be nice.
> I would prefer a different name rather than "translations" though,
> because the Debian Chinese Project is not merely a translation project.
> I wonder if other i18n/l10n teams are interested to have something similar?
> :-)  http://www.d.o/???/french/  (or franc,ais), etc. etc.

In french, we don't have so much page, (I think) and much of them are at :

If think german people use external links, but I'm not sure.

Bye, Mt.

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