I apologize for not being very responsive for the past week.

On Sat, Apr 17, 1999 at 12:21:10AM -0600, Anthony Fok wrote:
> Hello,
> Please edit /etc/apache/srm.conf on va to add content negotiation
> for the upcoming Chinese translation of Debian web pages.
> Please add the following in the appropriate place:
>       AddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn
>       AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw
> And add them to the language priority line too, thanks.  :-)
> Yes, it is zh-CN, not zh-CH, so please remove any refences
> to zh-CH stuff that were in the file.  Thanks a lot!  :-)
Done for both master and va. I ran a make install in the chinese
directory and it ran fine.  It used the standard makefiles and the
output was into *.zh.html files. Is this what is intended?
You can view the pages at http://cgi.debian.org/www-master/debian.org/

> BTW, is there a way to notify other Debian WWW mirrors to make the
> same changes?  Who should I contact?
I'll take care of it once everything checks out.

Jay Treacy

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