On Tue, Feb 10, 1998 at 12:14:26AM -0500, James A.Treacy wrote:
> > sure.  i'll also include modification instructions on that web page.
> > 
> Great work. I've got them on master now and should have the logo page
> fixed up sometime tomorrow.

Yes, they look good.  For the web I often prefer transparent pictures.
Any chance creating one?  I have run giftrans on one of the pictures
and noticed that the result isn't that good as there are still some
rendered white shades.



   / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
  / linux: Unbekannter Terminaltyp                                /
 / Ich weiß nicht, auf was für einem Terminaltyp Sie arbeiten -  /
/ alles, was ich habe, ist 'linux'.              -- Solaris 2.5 /

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