On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, James A.Treacy wrote:

> Here are the things I'd like to see done on the pages.
> Feel free to add anything you'd like.
>  - get the entire pages indexed for searching. Anyone want
>    to volunteer to work on this? Verisim is currently doing
>    the entire site. Nothing against Verisim. I'd just prefer
>    something under our control. Free would be preferable too.
>    Guy and I have used htdig and glimpse, but they have some
>    annoying limitations.

I can help in this area.  I have set up 3 different search engines there
are 2 that I recomend using that I have worked with before.  One is
completly free, the other is free, but you just don't get the tech support
that you would get if you buy it.


Chad D. Zimmerman                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Southwest Technology Development Institute
New Mexico State University
HP: http://dabcc-www.nmsu.edu/~chad/
DBP: http://dabcc-www.nmsu.edu/~chad/Debian/
SWAO: http://desertwinds.multipleimage.com/

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