> Ben Gertzfield:
> > Line-art looks terrible under JPEG compression
> Oh, you're right. Under netscape 4.03, it looks much worse on some of
> the pages than others - the main page looks OK, the lower pages look
> jaggy. The difference seems to be that where the size of the image
> is specified, it looks worse. It is _not_ specified on the main page.
> For this image a run-code, LZ, or LZW compressor would work best.
> Check out http://www.debian.org/new_index.html for a prototype of an
> index page using tables to format the text better around the image.
This is something I knew would happen and why I asked for the creation
of an original at a large size, say 1000x1000, so that it could be resized
with little distortion. It should also be saved in png format.

I really must apologize for the delay in getting this up on the web
pages. Just as most of the developers seem to be getting more free time
(classes are over), I have been rather busy the last few weeks and will
continue to be so until I leave for holidays this weekend.
The pages will be set up before I leave though.

- Jay

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