so many lists - and i know only 50 % or so.
what about a list of all lists with description in the developers corner
(i didn't check the new version, but the old had not all lists...).

debian-user debian-68k debian-devel debian-devel-changes
debian-consultants debian-announce debian-changes debian-french
debian-i18n debian-www debian-admintool debian-sparc debian-alpha
debian-devel-announce debian-faq debian-publicity debian-doc
debian-italian debian-l10n-spanish debian-devel-topic-3
debian-devel-topic-2 debian-devel-topic-1 deity debian-user-digest
debian-private debian-devel-digest debian-changes-digest
debian-bugs-dist debian-qa debian-bugs-closed debian-ppc debian-cd
debian-board debian-vote debian-bugs-forwarded debian-security-private
win32 debian-kbd mirror-list debian-policy debian-dpkg debian-autobuild 


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