On Thu, 4 Sep 1997, Jim Pick wrote:

> > Starting with hamm, non-free and contrib have the same structure as the
> > main release. Currently in http://www.debian.org/debian.org/packages.html
> > unstable is shown in three different links - one for each distribution.
> > It is possible for them to be combined into one directory tree with
> > for example, the Packages/unstable/Libraries directory having the unstable
> > packages from all 3 distributions together.
> It would be nicer to have them on the same page.  There would be less 
> pages overall, so it would be nicer to browse.
> But they should be grouped into "main", "contrib", and "non-free"
> sections.  And there should be a clear division between them.  Perhaps
> even a disclaimer between the sections stating that "contrib" and
> "non-free" are not part of Debian -- we just provide them as a 
> convenience.

I agree. Also there should be a mention to the DFSG to explain what is

Enrique Zanardi                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dpto. Fisica Fundamental y Experimental                 Univ. de La Laguna

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