
pub  1024D/41F4E873 2000-11-04 Beiad Ian Q. Dalton (Ferret no baka)
Fingerprint: 7F38 0445 D8F7 F9E2 E98A  C7ED 7B40 CD12 41F4 E873

It has not been signed by a current Debian developer since no one 
seemed to live near Beiad. Therefore, the applicant has provided an ID.

He would like ferret as Debian userid.

P&P Procedures.

I've asked to the applicant several questions about our policies and
some questions about licenses. He replied correctly.

He also read and agreed to the Social Contract, DFSG and DMUP.

Task & skills step

If Beiad considers packaging some programs, it seems more interested to
help Debian with policy problems. Beiad has already begun to help on 
these issues (e.g


I recommend Beiad to be accepted in the project.

Guillaume Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Emacs, not just a way of life but a complete waste of disk space (Alan Cox)

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