Dear Webmaster, I am writing to you because I am exchanging links with some of the best business websites on the web, and I want to exchange reciprocal links between and my site. My site,, is one of the leading franchise and business information sites. We have thousands of people visit our website each day looking for franchising and small business information in their desired industry. I feel that a Link Partnership between our sites will provide a valuable resource for each of our readers and will be instrumental in building traffic for both sites. I look forward to hearing from you soon so that we can both begin to enjoy the benefits of a link partnership.
Sincerely, Dan Woodrow Webmaster, Franchise for Sale TITLE:Franchise URL: DESCRIPTION:Franchise for sale provides only the best franchise opportunities in an easy to use format. PS- If you are interested in Pursuing a Link Exchange with our site Please feel free to use the information above.Also please send me your information as well as the exact location of my link and I will have your link placed and confirmed within 48 Hours.In accordance with government legislationand the new Cann Spam act regarding unsolicited emails If you're not interested and wish to not be contacted again please just let me know by emailing me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject REMOVE and I will promptly remove you from my contacts immediately.