Dear Webmaster,
I hope I chose the right address to send this to but I came across your site and since I also manage a site that focuses on the same types of industries, I was wondering if we could help increase one another's traffic and search engine rankings by exchanging links? I've recently opened a link directory at and by exchanging links with us, you're site would get added to a very uncrowded, computer related directory.
It's really quick and easy to do. If you're interested, just click the link category that you would like to include your site in from the choices below and follow the directions on the page.
Computer Hardware
Computer Software
Computer Services
General Technology Related
Internet Related
Or if you would prefer, I would be glad to add your site to the directory for you. Just add my link to your site and then email me with it's location as well as the link information you would like me to include.
AdvanceServe Link
To add my Text Link to your site either use the information
below to create the link, or copy and paste the code from between the dotted
lines to your site:
Title: AdvanceServe Computer Repair
Description: Remote computer repair, support
and maintenance services through your internet connection.
--------------- Cut Below This Line
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size= "2"><b><a
"">AdvanceServe Computer
Repair</a></b> - Remote computer repair, support and maintenance
services through your internet
--------------- Cut Above This Line
Or if you would prefer to use one of our banners, simply copy and paste the code from below the banner you would like into your website.
468x60 Banner
--------------- Cut Below This Line
src="" width="468"
height="60" border="0"></a></p>
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Line ----------------
120x60 Banner
--------------- Cut Below This
Line ----------------
src="" width="120"
height="60" border="0"></a></p>
--------------- Cut Above This
Line ----------------
120x600 Banner
--------------- Cut Below This
Line ----------------
src="" width="120"
height="600" border="0"></a></p>
--------------- Cut Above
This Line ----------------
If you have any questions about exchanging links with me, please feel free to ask. I'm sure this will help both our sites traffic and search engine positions. Thanks for the exchange!
Best Regards,
Michael Hovila