
I already submitted the following request for inclusion in the 
consultants page twice, in December and in February, since i didn't 
receive any feedback todate I'm now adding debian-www in the CC, just 
in case the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] has gone stale.


We are a young service company specialized in Linux and Open Source 
solutions. We use Debian as the primary platform for our offerings. We 
would be pleased to be listed in the consultats page.

Name:    Alessandro Amici
Company: B-Open Solutions srl
Address: Via Casilina, 3/T - 00182 Roma, Italy
Phone:   +39 06 978 450 62
Fax:     +39 06 978 450 01
URL:     http://www.bopen.it/
Rates:   60/hour on site, 35/hour remote

Thank you,
Alessandro Amici  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  -  PGP 1024D/B6E5103F
Responsabile Tecnico - B-Open Solutions srl - http://www.bopen.it/
Via Casilina, 3/T - 00182 Roma - tel: +39 06 978 450 62

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