Hi all, Would anybody have any ideas or contacts that might be able to help with hosting Albiona and Qendresa, funding or other speaking opportunities while they are in the UK?
I recently met them (they are sisters) and gave them some support with their hackathon for girls[1] in Prizren, it was very successful and I was really amazed at how well everything was organized. They are involved in various initiatives in diversity and other social programs in their country. They have also been active in promoting the first MiniDebConf in Kosovo[2] Steve and I had a discussion about them speaking at Mini DebConf Cambridge, there are many things we can learn from them and also share with them. WizzAir flies between Luton and Kosovo on Tuesdays and Saturdays, suggesting they would probably need to stay in the UK for a whole week (Tuesday-Tuesday). There don't appear to be other valid itineraries, most involve long layovers and actually cost more money, so I've been looking[3] for a strategy to host them in the UK for up to a week. Regards, Daniel 1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/ks/2017/CoderGalsHackathonForGirlsPrizren 2. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/ks/2017/MiniDebConfPrishtina 3. http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/pipermail/debian-uk/2017-September/000442.html