Thanks a lot for the clarification.

I'm happy to hear there are other female characters and Sara's role is
not only about showing off her body. In this case I personally have
nothing more against the game.

I was personally basing my opinion on the discussion and not the game
itself and that was my bad but i felt a time pressure to reply before
the thread was closed for lack of support/interest. This led to such
clarifications so I like to think this discussion was not a waste.
Indeed, in the future, I hope that games supported by Debian could go
through an evaluation that considers things like "does it have female
characters? are they as powerful as the others?" etc.

@Zlatan: I did point the finger against neither anybody nor any group of
people. I'm not saying "this or that is male's fault". indeed, it's the
society as a whole, including both males and females who receives biased
inputs and produces biased outputs. there are bad people (both males and
females) though, like those who pushed female game developers to move
house, loose jobs etc. only because of their opinions and job roles
(again, it's a reference to gamergate).


On 02/05/15 14:15, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> For what it's worth, this is what upstream has to say. They forgot to Cc
> d-d-g@, but asked me to forward it.
> Ansgar
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi,
> I'm from the SuperTuxKart development team and some people will probably not 
> care/twist what I'm about to say.
> However I think it's important to clarify some stuff.
> It seems a lot of people criticized without even playing the game.
> The character Sara is one of the many playable characters in the game. She 
> isn't the only woman playable. Several others are present.
>  * Suzanne (Blender's mascot)
>  * Xue (XFCE's mouse)
>  * Amanda (A panda and the mascot of windows maker)
> Sara isn't just for background decoration. In fact she has an airport 
> (Princess Sara Airport) an airline company (Royal Cupcake Airways) and many 
> other things.
> Focusing only on her bikini or the number of time she is in a track is 
> narrowing the character to only one aspect.
> Also the character in STK was mainly designed by women (including the bikini).
> * Her airport
> * A warning for a networking antenna
> * The following picture is a bug and this 
> should be reported. Her face should not have a strange blue artifact.
> For the beach we will add men in swimming suit. It was planned but 
> unfortunately the guy who worked on it had some delays, so the release was 
> done before it could be finished.
> SuperTuxKart is in constant development and we will improve it in the future. 
> We are expending STK's cartoon universe. Each character will have a track.
> That's the reason Suzanne (the monkey) is presents in Cocoa Temple. For 
> instance Puffy (OpenBSD's fish) will be in the underwater track.
> There is no real life country in stk (and we are working to remove if they 
> are presents in track). We use a fictional universe with fictional country so 
> you can't pretend it target something specific. We also are a cartoon game 
> not a realistic depiction of ancient civilizations.
> Working on all those details take time, we are a volunteer project so we 
> can't aim at a polish like a commercial game. So we progress slowly and we 
> have a lot of work to offers to players the best experience possible.
> That being said I think nobody wants to censor something.
>  * A lot of other games, animation movies, comics, etc use similar tropes
>  * When vlj raised the issue basically nobody in the SuperTuxKart team find 
> something wrong with the poster (and the vast majority of people are 
> perfectly okay with it). He wanted to put himself on a strike and that is 
> right.
>  * Like in other game a warning for instance (Comic Mischief) could be 
> included.
>  * It's virtually impossible to please everyone . If we remove something we 
> have equally protest from the other side of people who wanted.
>  * The game main target audience aren't white men but simply Humans .
> Kind regards
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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