Hi Alison,

Am Wed, 7 Mar 2012 10:56:15 -0800
schrieb Alison Chaiken <alchai...@gmail.com>:
> Amaya notes:
> >You do not need to change the sendmail reference in /etc/ in debian
> >there is a system in place so that invoking sendmail works no matter
> >what smpt server you are using (exim, postfix, qmail..)
> Maybe the problem is not with SMTP then, hmm.
> Amaya helpfully asks:
> > * Do you want logrotate to send you the logs by email?
> >  Then you need to use the mail directive in /etc/logrotate.conf
> I used to get a sort of daily highlights report on Fedora that was a
> summary of higher criticality messages from /var/log/messages and
> rkhunter.    The messages were great, as they weren't the entire
> logfiles, but just the parts I possibly needed to look at.     I'd
> like to read such messages on Debian, too.     Is there a mechanism to
> set this up?

I am using logwatch for this purpose, it filters the messages and you
can set what level of detail you wish. As I don't want to get those
mails daily but rather weekly, I moved the cronjob
from /etc/cron.daily/00logwatch to /etc/cron.weekly and changed the
call "/usr/sbin/logwatch --output mail" to "/usr/sbin/logwatch --output
mail --range 'last week' --archives". If you want to get daily reports,
you don't have to do anything but installing logwatch.



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