we already have a debian women group on identi.ca
is not better to use it instead ?

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 6:56 PM, Erinn Clark <er...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I set up identi.ca and twitter accounts for us to announce things:
> http://identi.ca/debianwomen
> https://twitter.com/debianwomen
> And then I announced a thing:
> http://identi.ca/notice/72661407
> https://twitter.com/debianwomen/status/65820035712684034
> I'm sending the announcements to identi.ca and they get mirrored to
> Twitter,
> but I obviously did not master the art of the #hashtag or !identicathingy,
> so
> when you RT/RD, please use the !debianwomen and #debianwomen tags.
> As for account access: I think we should have a role account associated
> with it
> since for sure I am not going to want to be the grand empress of social
> networking. But right now I will approve friend requests and so on until I
> figure out a better way to distribute access.

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